
放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2019-12-05  来源:来自互联网  作者:来自互联网  浏览次数:263


专栏 | 老外看中国








1、Michael Moldenhauer

Is America upset? Yes, it's very unpleasant.


You see, the problem is that China, unlike almost any other country, is perhaps the sole greatest survivor of European colonialism. It’s political system and institutions actually entrench a non-western culture to the fullest, and it is gaining serious economic power and prestige.


Despite its much ballyhooed claims to love “multiculturalism” and “diversity”, America really, by and large, only tolerates tokenism. To Americans, “culture” that is “worth preserving” is stuff like festivals, religious beliefs, works of art and literature.


What it’s not - where it becomes threatening, and must be destroyed or at least incapacitated - is in values. Ethics. Worldviews especially when they are put into practice and not simply talked about.


So what kind of China makes America feel safe? I think that China, at least, should cater to the "Oriental mystery" in the eyes of Americans - hunger, poverty, isolation, and then the Americans in the high, then show the world their cheap love!


2、Anne Ephraim

My God, that's right. I absolutely agree with you. In the eyes of Americans, it seems that only they and a few white countries can be treated as human beings. In most other countries, they are only entitled to be called cheap commodity supply places and American soldiers' wild hunting grounds. Everything there needs to cater to their lives. They should not even have their own Thought!


3、Kenneth Krauss

In other words, do they only allow their own country to be strong? It's terrible. It's worthy of being a country established in the colonial era!


4、Zachary Reid

In fact, we can easily see from Hollywood movies that Americans always like to "materialize" other countries, and then grade different countries and races with a stereotype. It seems that in their eyes, some countries and people of color are born to struggle with hunger or even die!


5、Kenneth Krauss

Ha ha ha ha, but East Asian countries have broken the stereotype of Americans, haven't they? The first is Japan, now is China, the United States will pay the price for today's arrogance!


6、Pascal Morimacil

Of course, they understand all this, so why did the United States force Japan to sign the Plaza Agreement in the 1990s, which has kept Japan's economy wandering for the past 30 years, and now they want China to repeat Japan's failure and continue the greatness of the United States, but the Cowboys forget the most important point - China is not Japan, it is a politics For the sake of national independence 70 years ago, independent countries even declared war with 16 countries. Which of the current permanent members of the United Nations has not been defeated by China?


7、David Yu

Some people say it's an issue of "ideology" rather than national development. For example, in Europe, the United States can allow Europe to share the world with him, but it won't allow China to do so. Although in my opinion, this is absurd - the world is the world of human beings on earth, why can only white people be allowed to monopolize everything?


8、Mike Chiew

I believe there are 8 countries under the watchful eyes of America. They are strong enough to challenge the U.S. economy and world foreign affairs in not too distant future.


In the 80s Japan had a dose of America intervention in her economy at that time she stood at a strong second place in the demographic scale of the world.At current form, the number one on the U.S. threat list is China, follow by Japan, India, Indonesia, Germany, Brazil, South Korea and Russia.


The United States is not only uneasy about China and Russia, but also about any country with rapid development and happy people's life. In a word, they don't want to see other countries except the Americans live a good life!


9、Lance Chambers

America is terrified not simply uncomfortable. America and Americans cannot even envision a time when America isn''''t No. 1 in the world and China is probably the greatest threat to American hegenomy they have ever confronted.


based upon all the most obvious trends China will surpass the US for size of economy with 10 — 15 years, barring an unforeseen recession of course. It already leads in PPP, dominates in a number of technologies that will drive our future, and are gaining friends and influence around the world by actually helping nations trade and prosper via Belt & Road across China, Russia, SE Asia, the Arab countries, Europe, Africa and South America.


The US has no answer for what China is doing — none, nada, nix.


10、William Klein

Yes - and no. China represents a massive challenge to US hegemony over the coming decades, this is undeniable. However China''''s rise to date was built on its mercantism which arose from its entry into the WTO, and it highly unlikely that it will be able replicate that growth on the coming decades.


However, this does not mean that China will stop developing, and China will continue to develop, but the speed may not be as high as it is now。


But it doesn't matter. It's only a matter of time before China surpasses the United States. India, which is most likely to surpass China, at least in my opinion, is still more praise than reality. That is to say, in the future, for quite a long time, we will face a "China century"


The United States is very scared about this, but to be honest, I'm not worried at all. I know Chinese people too well (I have lived in China for 10 years). This is a very friendly nation. They advocate the hard work of self struggle and are full of disgust for all looting.


So we don't have to worry about the future direction of the world, or even we should look forward to, at least that's a comparison“ American century is a more peaceful era!


毫不讳言,对于外国网友“William Klein”的观点,老铁是表示相当赞同的:



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