The5 th Fareast Cup International Regatta 2020
Noticeof Race
Aug. 22 th .--Sept.24 th ,2020
The Organizing Authority(OA) is Chinese Yachting Association and Qingdao Major International Sailing Events(Festivals) Organizing Committee supported by Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Sports,Qingdao Olympic Sailing City Development Association,Qingdao Yachting Association, Qingdao Tourism Group and Qingdao Administration Center of Sailing Sport.
Co-organized & Undertaken(each local OA) by: Qingdao Silk Road Sailing Events Management Co., Ltd.(China);Primorsky Regional Social Organization Sailing Federation
(Russia),Seven Feet Yacht club; Japan Sailing Federation;Toyama Sailing Federation;Korean Sailing Federation;Gyeonggi-do Sailing Federation.
1 Rules
1.2 World Sailing Offshore Special Regulations will also apply (OSR category 2).
1.3 The IRPCAS Rules will apply.
1.4 The preions of the National or Regional Yachting Association will not apply.
1.5 If there is a conflict between languages, the English text will take precedence.
2 Advertising
2.1. In accordance with ISAF Regulation 20 (Advertising Code), the race committee may require all boats to display the event sponsor's advertising on their bows and/or on backstay pennants.
2.2. Advertisements of the teams on the racing boats must be approved by the organizing committee.
2.3. The organizing authority has the right to refuse the teams’ advertisements which are against the event sponsor or the local advertising laws.
3 Event and Eligibility
3.1. The regatta is open to domestic and international sailors (teams), and they can be from national teams, city teams, and club teams.
3.2. For the safety and the need of race management, a tracker and engine working recorder for each boat may be required by the organizing authority, each team should keep it working properly during the race.
3.3. A hand-held Radio(with VHF81A)should be brought by each team.
3.4. For each team, there could be 7 crews at east and at most 9 crews plus 1 media crew on board. At least one crew from each team shall have a valid first aid certificate completed within the last five years. Each team shall have 2 experienced skippers, who are capable of offshore racing, at least 4 crews who have experienced offshore racing. CVs of the skippers and crews should be submitted for entry. The 6 persons' (skippers and crews) qualification or certificates that must be from MSA China, CYA, KSF, RYF, JSF, RYA, and ASA or from other equivalent organizations should be displayed upon entry.
3.5. All the sailors for registration must be (over) 18 years old on Aug.20th,2020.
4 Class
One design Class Beneteau First 40 (10 boats provided by the organizing authority)
5 On-line Entry
5.1. Eligible teams may enter by completing the entry form (Attachment 1) at qdsailing.organd send it to FareastCupRegatta@163 with all the copies of passports or ID cards of all the team members. Entries must be received no later than 24:00hrs, June 20th, 2020.(Foreign sailors need only copies of passports, while Chinese sailors need the copies of both passports and ID cards with both sides)
5.2. Receiving the E-mail confirmation letter is considered signing up the entry successfully.
6 On-site Registration
A team leader of each eligible team shall provide these following documents at registration:
6.1. A copy of the entry /confirm/iation.
6.2. Passports or ID cards (the original and the scanned copy) of all the team members.
6.3. Equipment damage deposit.
6.4. Proof of personal accident insurance complying with NOR 23.
7 Fees
7.2. The equipment damage deposit should be paid in cash at registration.
8 Format of Race
The regatta will consist of offshore races and inshore races and a long distance race.
9 Schedule
The schedule is as the following:
9.1. No more than three races are scheduled for inshore races per day.
9.2. Totally 3 offshore races are scheduled. And 6 inshore races are scheduled in China & Russia,one long distance race in Toyama bay, Japan.
10 Equipment and Measurement
10.1. The Organizing Authority will provide about 9 to 10 boats ( Beneteau First-40). All teams shall join the boats drawing on June 28th by email or we-chat.
10.2. Cash deposit would be returned in full if the boats are undamaged in any way after the Regatta. Otherwise, teams should pay for the repairing of the damaged equipment and the cost of it will be deducted from the equipment deposit. The organizing authority has the right to demand for making up the insufficient deposit if the deposit is not sufficient.
10.3. The organizing authority will be responsible for inspecting all boats; if necessary an equipment inspection may be taken at any time during racing.
11 Sailing Instructions
The Sailing Instructions will be available after the on-site registration.
12 The Venue
Attachment 2 is the venues located in Qingdao, Vladivostok and Toyama.
13 The Course
Please see the Sailing Instructions. Attachment 3 is for Offshore racing.
14 Penalty System
14.1. Rule 44.1 is changed so that the Two-Turns Penalty is replaced by the One-Turn Penalty.
14.2. Decision of the jury committee will be final as provided in rule 70.5.
15 Scoring
15.1. The scoring of the total results will be composed of five parts:
Part 1: offshore-race result of the 1st leg-Qingdao to Vladivostok;
Part 2: offshore-race result of the 2nd leg- Vladivostok to Toyama ;
Part 3: offshore-race result of the 3rd leg –Toyama to Qingdao;
Part 4: one single score of a long distance race in Toyama;
Part 5: one single score of the inshore-races in Qingdao & Vladivostok.
15.2. For Part 5(inshore races), when 4 or more inshore races are completed, the results will be the total of her series scores excluding her worst score. Then the final result of the inshore races will be scored as one single score.
15.3. Offshore races will be double scored and the long distance race will be single scored. The results of Part 1, 2,3 and 4( three offshore races and a long distance race) shall not be excluded. If there is a tie in total results, the ties shall be broken first in favour of the boat(s) with the best score(s) in the offshore- race III; If offshore race III hasn’t been finished, the ties shall be broken in favour of the boat(s) with the best score(s) in the offshore race II; if offshore race II hasn’t been finished, the tie shall be broken in favour of the boat(s) with the best score(s) in the offshore race I.
15.4. Three races are required to be completed to constitute a regatta.
16 Berthing
Boats shall be kept in their assigned places at the pontoons during the regatta.
17 Haul-Out Restrictions
Boats shall not be hauled out during the regatta except with and according to the terms of prior written permission of the race committee.
18 Diving Equipment and Plastic Pools
Underwater breathing apparatus and plastic pools or their equivalent shall not be used around keel boats between the preparatory signal of the first race and the end of the regatta.
19 Radio Communication
During racing, the Race Committee official channel is VHF81A for inshore communication, and the spare channel is VHF 72. All boats shall listen to channel VHF16 during the offshore races. Each team needs to bring her own hand-held VHF Radio during the regatta.
20 Photography Consent
By participating in this event, competitors automatically grant the organizing authority and the event sponsors the right, in perpetuity, to make, use, and show, at their discretion, any photography, audio and video recordings, and other reproductions of them made at the venue or on the water from the time of their arrival at the venue, until their final departure, without compensation.
21 Prizes
Prize money will be awarded:
The First Place: US Dollar 10000.
The Second Place: US Dollar 5000.
The Third Place: US Dollar 3000.
22 Disclaimer of Liability
22.1. Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See rule 4, Decision to Race. The organizing authority will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the regatta.
22.2. All the people on board must sign the Disclaimer of Liability.
23 Insurance
Each participant must have valid personal accident insurance with the minimum insurance cover of 100,000 dollars per incident. Original insurance document and its photocopy should be displayed during the registration, if not, 100 dollars are required for insurance purchasing. Those who do not provide the Original insurance document or purchase the insurance at on-site registration may be banned to participate by the organizing authority.
24 Accommodation for Participants
The Lodging (standard or double room [twin room] or 3-4persons room or Korean ondol or Japanese tatami for more people) in Qingdao, Vladivostok and Toyama will be arranged and paid by each local organizing authority from Aug. 22th- Sept.24th (till 12:00 noon). Meals [lunch & supper] both on the shore and water will be arranged and paid by each team except breakfast offered free by the hotels. If any sailor expects to live in a single room, he or she shall report to the OA for registration in advance and the room fee will be paid by the sailor himself or herself.
25 Others
25.1. Each team shall bring a flag of their own team/club or their national authorities to the Organizing Authority.
25.2. The Organizing Authority may appoint maximum two journalists on each boat to take photos and video. Skippers shall be responsible for the safety of the journalists on board and supervise the work of the journalists on board.
25.3. All foreign sailors shall hold twice or multiple effective visas to enter P.R. China. Each team shall submit the scanning copies to the OA of their competitors’ passports (the page with a photo) and twice or multiple effective visas. If any team needs to swap competitors when they arrive at Vladivostok, Russia and Toyama, Japan, the related information about swapping sailors shall be delivered to the OA before the entry. All sailors entering the free port of Vladivostok and Toyama need to have the valid electronic visas or paper visas or visas waiver(All teams are required to check and apply for the visas at the nearest Russian and Japanese embassy or consulates beforehand.)
25.4. CIQ documents needed:
The scanning copies of passports with photos and the Visas pages
25.5. During racing, swapping sailors are not permitted unless the request party submits an application in a written form and gets the approval of the RC.
25.6. For further information, please contact:
Qingdao Organizing Authority:
Name: Xin Kejiang, Meng Yuejiao,
Fax: +86 (0)532 8591 6115
Tel: +86 (0)532 8591 6115, +86 (0)532 5870 2691
E-Mail: FareastCupRegatta@163
Address: Room 1616, No.17 Xianggang Zhong Road, Qingdao, China,
Post Code: 266071
Attachment 1: ENTRY FORM (回复函)
Attachment 2: The 5th "Fareast Cup” International Regatta 2020
QingdaoOlympic Sailing Center(N 36°03.427’ ; E120°23.410’)
Qingdao Inshore Race (N 36°02.390’ ; E120°23.200’)
Seven Feet Club, Vladivostok, Russia(N 43°06.499’ ; E131°52.354’)
Immigration & Emigration Berthing( N 43°06.670’ ;E131°53.160’)
Vladivostok Inshore Race(N 43°03.154’ ; E131°54.346’)
Toyama Marina, Japan (N 36°46.240’ ; E137°08.283’)
Toyama Bay Long Distance race(N 36°47.147’ ; E137°06.677’)
Attachment 3: Offshore Races (3 legs)
Offshore Race I, From Qingdao, China to Vladivostok, Russia
Offshore Race II, From Vladivostok to Toyama, Japan
Offshore Race III, From Toyama to Qingdao, China
“远东杯”国际帆船拉力赛是青岛本土开创的跨国离岸赛事品牌,也是目前为止亚洲航程最长的世界帆联跨国二级离岸赛,填补了远东地区没有长距离帆船拉力赛的空白。赛事开展以来, 吸引了中俄日韩等十几个国家和地区近三百多名高水平赛手争相参与,赛事为“一带一路”以及上合国家搭建了体育、文化、经贸合作新平台,成为中国青岛开放、现代、活力、时尚的新名片。