就在2月14日,美国众议院院长Pelosi(佩洛西)在慕尼黑会议上就当场说: China is seeking to export its digital autocracy through its telecommunication giant, Huaiwei. 中国正视图通过电信巨头——华为,来输出其数字专制。 并且怂恿大家孤立华为和中国。
My question is about Huawei, we – I think my knowledge of the, how the world works, is that technology is a tool. And, China, since it’s reform started forty years ago, has introduced all kinds of Western technologies: Microsoft, IBM, Amazon. They are all active in China.
work 运作
Microsoft 微软
Amazon 亚马逊
work 运作
Microsoft 微软
Amazon 亚马逊
And, since we started with 1st G, 2nd G, 3rd G, 4th G, all the technologies came from Western countries, from the developed world, and China has maintained its political system, the system led by the Communist Party has become successful, it’s not threatened by the technologies.
political system 政治体系
threaten 威胁
political system 政治体系
threaten 威胁
How come if Huawei’s technology, with a 5G is introduced into Western countries, then it will threaten the political system? Do you really think the democratic system is so fragile that it could be threatened by this single high tech company of Huawei?
How come 怎么会(吃惊)
democratic system 民主制度
fragile 脆弱的
How come 怎么会(吃惊)
democratic system 民主制度
fragile 脆弱的
P.S. 说好一段英文,绝对不是在炫耀你的词汇量有多大,你的语法结构有多高级。而是在于你的内容和表达方式。