
放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2019-11-27  来源:来自互联网  作者:来自互联网  浏览次数:619

为什么中国人享有更多的自由,比如每天晚上在街上自由行走,而美国人却没有? 中国的犯罪水平为22.1,排在第83位,不到美国的三分之一,美国的犯罪水平为55.84,排在第30位。 有一个独特的现象…




1、Yves Hermit

Because of the crime rate, to be specific.


Also, I’d like to appeal to all the Americans asking for more freedom such as walking freely in streets daily and night.


2、James Cardin

The crime level in China is 22.1 ranking 83th, less than one-third of the counterpart of the US with a crime level at 55.84 ranking 30th.


Why?Because of violence precaution measures ranging from legislation to surveillance.


To acquire validity, this answer won’t involve any professional legislative analysis in terms of criminal law or administrative construction. But one thing for sure, China is a country with relatively stricter law enforcement in crime. The execution data in what follows can get it verified.


In China, suspects face tougher laws and sentences once convicted. In the United States, out of pity for criminals, it is more likely that they will only be put into prison, no matter how bloody crimes they have committed.


There goes a unique phenomenon where American jails often early release prisoners due to the inadequacy of cells.


Statistics from source World Prison Brief, an online database offering an insight into prison systems around the globe, demonstrates that America houses more than two million inmates — nearly 500,000 more than China, which is the next highest on the list.


The notorious singer Chris Brown, for instance, being famous for abusing his girlfriend in 2009, the winner of Grammy Awards Rihanna, was given early release from jail due to overcrowding in June 2014.


3、Rudi Pan

(monitor along a street in a small city of Henan Province)


monitor at the entry of a common apartment


monitors in villages


In the end, FREEDOM concludes not only the rights of possessing guns or the rights of criminals to live again but also incorporates the rights to live in safety without being shoot all of a sudden in streets.


4、George Na

China also does not have a diverse population. That also means that the goverment would use surveilance everywhere to control its population. Even if China’s laws were to be implemented in the USA,it wouldn’t work anyway because the population would revolt.


5、Dan Goerke

I live in the US. I go walking at night all the time without fear of crime. I live in a suburb of Detroit, a city with a bad reputation where I would not go walking at night in any neighborhood. (The night life and “tourist” areas are relatively safe.) So, it depends where you go. If you use common sense, crime/walking at night is not a real issue.


I have also spent six weeks in China. I very much enjoy the feeling of physical safety I experience when I am there. I am uncertain, however, what my feelings would be if I lived there. The presence of cameras and omni-present police and security personnel would likely give me the creeps.


6、Sam King

As you said, with common sense you’ll be absolutely fine in China as long as you’re not the problem where most people would be worried. I have more doubts about the US even if proper measures were taken, where anyone with a gun is a problem.



It is a fact that the US has some of the highest rates of violence (on all levels) in the world (1) it has the highest ownership of guns (2) it has economic inequality that produces poorer areas with almost 40 million in poverty (3) racism exists, the majority of mass shooters/attackers in US history have been white.


These are the facts.


“if you live in a culture that has a little more violence than Chinese cultures, and especially if you are not careful, you might meet someone on the street who wants to rob or murder you. In such a situation, is it better to have an option for a gun or to have the government say you can NEVER have a gun?”


8、Village man

I think we can agree that the US is significantly more violent than China, both in internal and external affairs. The likelihood of being attacked by someone with a gun in China is low, guns are banned from public purchases and use and have been banned since the 60s. There are exceptions (such as for cultural purposes in some ethnic groups) although they are controlled and regulated.


It is a fact that countries that have banned guns have significantly less gun violence - UK, Singapore, China, Japan, Australia and recently New Zealand (after a mass shooting by a tourist that killed 50 people). That’s the progress that society in these countries have made moving forward from the past because they have laws and social responsibilities to follow them. In Australia, our last major mass shooting was back 1996 where 35 people were killed.


It was only recently this year that we had a major shooting that took the lives of 4 people from a racist crazed gunman who used a stolen gun from 1997. Considering that Australia used to have a prominent gun culture, it has done extremely well in reducing gun violence but guns are not eliminated completely yet. There are still people out there who are involved in illegal gun trade who make it possible for criminals to get their hands on guns. The best action is of course to eliminate the available of guns altogether.


In the US, it has had 12 mass shooting attacks this year, over 50 people killed and more than 100 injured. Last year, it was worst.


Due to the prence of guns, people are likely to be involved in a gun situation involving threats, attacks and deaths. This is a fact, and it’s because of the lack of progress in US society where they are unable to move beyond the mentality of possessing weapons. So the issue is not whether you need to have a gun in this situation, the question is why does everyone need one? Should students in the classroom possess some weapon to protect themselves from bullies? Of course not, and they’re the immature ones who have not yet developed reasoning and accountability.



“The gun issue in America is very complicated. However, I believe to start to understand it you must remember two things. First, is that “If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns”. Almost every gun law in the US causes problems for people who will never harm anyone with their gun and does nothing at all to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. Second, is that the cities with the most crime (Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles) have VERY strict guns laws. The criminals just ignore these laws and crime remains very high.”



I think the countries that I have mentioned earlier prove that real gun laws work, gun violence has decreased significantly and mass shootings have been virtually zero for many years (other than New Zealand which had lax gun laws but not anymore). The onus is on you to justify why these countries should have more guns.


11、Flying bear

Gun laws in the US are simply too weak to manage such a high gun ownership culture with low accountability, that’s on the people who continue to make these laws weak, like gun lobbyists and the NRA. It is simply not normal to accept kids getting their hands on semi-automatic rifles to wipe out tens of their classmates and innocent children every single year, even if it is to you.


12、Adam Levett

I feel that I would be more safe with a gun on my person, and I don’t really care about everyone else, I put my life over others. Having a gun in America is a right, so with China removing that, they then remove more rights. Would you want to live in China?


13、Adam Hu

Owning a firearm is a right in the US but not any other country, including China. Thus no rights have been “removed". To claim otherwise is cultural jingoism, which is quite popular in the West and HK.


Also, what are people forgetting in terms of human rights violations? A convenient phrase, which can be accurately used to describe Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo…


14、Zhang Le

As far as I know guns and knives are two things. 1000s of years ago our ancestors already used knives to kill each other while guns were a recent weapons. Why? Clearly guns are much much more effective in killing.


Let me asked you, one crazy mad man, which weapon do you want him to use?Remember the Alaska mass shooting? Machine gun involved. In 4 minutes about 60 people were killed.


In every society there are always crazy mad men. Guns just amplify their devastating power. If I have to give them a weapon, defense it is not gun."Now add guns to both sides and they have equal power, but they have an equal chance of winning"


Jesus. I can''t believe you write these words. Maybe a society is a arena to you. So everyone should have a "equal chanve of winning". Your opinions are not data and logic supported. While we have seen enough massacres involved guns in USA.


15、Adam Levett

You need to think with a bit of logic, people can and will kill, and there are weak people out there too. I know putting odds like that doesn’t sound great but it’s the best we can do. And really, guns are not anything fancy.


Sure, they are easy to use, so good defence, but if I had time to train and wanted to really kill, I could probably figure out 10 better ways to do it. (hinting at attacks with vehicles etc, what do you then, ban cars?) And on another note, guns are used many times legally, look at the amount of shooters and compare to the amount of guns used.


Other things kill, look at how many are killed by drunk drivers, but you don’t ban cars because that is stupid, people are normally safe with cars. But banning things says to us you can’t be trusted, and that’s not what a government should do, that is what a babysitter is for


16、Elijah Stansell

The right to bear arm’s isn’t to feel safer, its to prevent a tyrannical government, something you should know all about.


17、Quan Zhang

Yes, of course.Chinese have never been shy about overthrowing tyrannical governments. They’ve been doing it dozens of times in their history before Thomas Paine knew what a pen was. If there is a reason the current government has not been overthrown, it’s not because the people don’t have guns.



But how? Use your semi automatic rifles to fight the tanks, missiles and airplanes the government has? 200years ago all of these things didn''t exist. 200years ago, you have a gun. 200years, you still have a gun. But the potential tyrannical government already light years were ahead. Tell me, what''s the difference between a knives and a gun when facing the tyrannical government nowadays?



“its to prevent a tyrannical government”… right. i am going to use my gun against the irs. when the army comes at me with tanks, i am gonna fend them off with my gun. it’s an antiquated addition to the constitution from illogical paranoia from the founders that the brits would come at them with muskets. ironically, the best weapon against a tyrannical government is not guns, or knives, or swords.








为了民主,美国人民应该被准许拥有勃朗宁M2H B 0.50英寸机枪!




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